Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This band is called Mayyors. They play fucked up rock & roll. Loud as fuck and more distorted than your mothers fartz. I really know nothing about this band other than random internet hype and that they're from Sacramento, California. Shit rules though. I'm uploading two of their 7"s into one zip file. Check it out if you like heavy, loud, noisy punk. Pretty similar to Brainbombs, Homostupids, etc. You can buy their records on ebay or vlv for 3 times the price they originally sold for.

download here


John-Ernst said...

Mayyors is the new band from Chris Woodhouse, known for havong recorded A-Frames, Intelligence and other goods bands from Sacramento and Seattle.
he has also played in FM Knives and in Karate Party, a great noise band not enoughly known.

An Anonymous Donor said...

Outstanding...thank you for this!