R/N, the latest addition to the Youth Attack klan. 10 song demo(lition) of raging hardcore punk with lots of noise and distortion and shit, some people compare them to Void. They're from Chicago. They've only had like 1 or 2 shows and they're already blowin' up on the internets. I guess they wear ski masks at all their shows and have that ~mysterious~ gig that's ever so popular in 2k9. See for yourself: myspace//blog. you can buy the demo cassete here, or pay inflated shipping for the first pressing on ya! LP to be expected this fall. Oh, I forgot to mention there's a Nirvana cover on here. siq!!!!
download here.
No masks
also... cock of the walk not wall.
you clipped the demo insert too short! :*
the song "gun..." not working. please fix!!!!!
ditto on the song not working
pleeeeeeeease fix!
Please get "gun..." up and running
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