Hello my blog followers (If I have any left). For this post I'm just going to spam some uploads of some excellent hardcore that I've been listening to a lot lately, CHECK IT.
Brain Handle - Smiling/Smiling Again 7" - Iron Lung Records
Ripping hardcore punk from these guys, one of the best EPs of the year.
Aerosols - All 3 7"s - Youth Attack
The Three 7"s from this mysterious band. Spazzy, screamy hardcore, guitarist of Ampere is in this one. Only 200 copys of each 7" were pressed (WTF)
Failures - S/T - Youth Attack/Clean Plate
Brand new LP from a band with members of all your favorite bands. Mark McCoy (Bronson), Will Killingsworth (Orchid, Ampere, etc.) and the drummer of Cancer kids. Also, one of the best LPs of 2008.
Homostupids - Two 7"s
Noisy, drug-induced, electronic?, weird, whatever, hardcore punk. It's good.
Final Draft - S/T 7"
Some ultra-pissed, violent hardcore from these so-cal dudes. Fast and hard. Sick Despise You cover on here too.
In Disgust - Reality Choke - 16oh
WEST. COAST. GRIND. VIOLENCE. One of the best grind/powerviolence bands existing today.
Brain Dead - S/T and Split w/ Rot In Hell
UK PV. It's good. Political lyrics. 90's powerviolence influence with a modern hardcore twist, similar to Sidetracked and Weekend Nachos. They play well.
This post wouldn't matter if it wasn't for these guys.
thanks for the in disgust and aerosols.
Failures album is SO cash.
Thanks @ the rest.
anyone have Brain Dead mp3's for the Hangover Heart Attack and Crash The Pose splits?
much appreciated!
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