The master rip of this 14 song masterpiece, straight from the band. No bullshit crumby sounding usb turntable rips. Raw Nerve do everything perfect here. Fourteen songs in under 14 minutes, no boring stinkers as most LP's seem to have. Perfect pack of short, violent rippers & mid-paced slammy jabbers with the obvious hit of the LP titled "Hemlock". Includes the recording of the 'secret' double grooved track. Few copies still available from Youth Attack. HardCore lives!
download here.
Thanks a lot for the post... :-)
top ten of '10 for sure. after mgmt congratulations though.
Thanks for the upgrade. This LP is so much better than everything else they've put out.
Yeah, I'm replacing the other rip I've got with this one, thanks a bunch.
Wow, this is incredible, thank you.
sooooo bad.
I compared quality and these trax sound the same as the ones my buddy A.J. posted. But either way, cool for posting this.
Cool story bro.
thanx, wanna make out?
Cheers from shitty england .
Hemlock is a cover of Rorschach, you don't know dick about what you post.
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