Ripping Fastcore from the woods of Western Massachusetts. In vein of the West Coast Bandanna Thrash. Relatively unknown band featuring members of Bucket Full of Teeth. I think they only played a handful of shows before they broke up. Despite their shyness, they recorded one of my favorite releases on Youth Attack. They have a little humorous edge that I'm really into as well. The drummer is now in Failures. Last time I checked the LP, The Possible Dream, was available at Youth Attack's e-store. Grab that shit because only 700 of them were ever pressed.
download here.
Have this, it rules. The 80s are boring, thrash bands galoring! The fans are imploring, but Cancer is snoring...
Wouldn't call them bandana thrash though. Sounds to me like a more brutal version of Orchid, fronted by a skinhead with a sense of humour.
You post some truly ripping shit, keep it up!
Haha. Bandana Thrash is worse than powerviolence when it comes to defining music. Only reason I mention it here is because I hear ton's of WxHxNx in the Cancer Kids.
They have their side of a split with Melee (more reason for the bandana thrash comparison, I guess) on their myspace.
I might also still have them on my computer, so I can send them to you if you want. Not as good as Possible Dream, but still pretty good.
i dig this.
Apparently they have a 7'' entitled "Boston Cream". Anyone have a digital copy of this?
these dudes are some real stand up guys. i had the chance to see these guys play in Florence Massachusetts, Will Dandy from Ampere gave me a boston cream donut for buying the EP, which i have a digital copy of BTW and i don't mind sharing since there's only like, 100 in print.
Goddamnit, the one guy with the ep would be anonymous. I want to hear that shit soooooo bad.
What year was this put out?
holy shit thanks for the download! i own this and the boston cream 7"
if i can borrow a friends usb turntable i'll try to rip the 7"
i also got a donut at the show. so fuckign amazing people started throwing them everywhere 538 johnson brooklyn. so lucky to see these dudes reunion on of the top 3 shows of my life!
track 12 is broken... any chance of getting it fixed? thanks alot.
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